Great Food!
Educating young people to healthier, independent lives...
...by learning to cook Great Food!

School Programs

Great Food! programs are available in schools throughout the year!
The special curriculum addresses the well-being and health of young people through food education, learning to use Canada's Food Guide, consumption within the basic food groups, kitchen safety and hygiene and hands-on food prep and cooking.
Ancillary benefits include multi-cultural education, awareness of the environment, and creative thinking.

Program Highlights
Curriculum follows and supports the ONTARIO CURRICULUM Healthy Living guidelines for Grades 1 to 8 ... and NEW in 2014, High School curriculums.

In-class sessions provide a balance of factual information and hands-on practical demonstration. Benefits to the child include the development of self-confidence, team work, self-esteem, and tolerance.
Every session teaches new taste experiences, food prep methods, deliciously creative recipes... and LOADS of fun! Dietary restrictions and food allergies accommodated. Our food is always nut-free.

Several modules are multidimensional, incorporating Drama, Music, Art, and Science - in interesting, colourful and creative relation to food.

 All our programs are offered in English and French.

Our Programs Are Available In Several Options:

Full Year / Semester: once a week every week from October to May, quarterly.​
Monthly: one (or more) classes a month
Occasional: Special interest and topic specific workshops (most popular).
Parent+Child food and Healthy eating Symposium delivered through schools (very popular).
After School: One or two evenings a week, 4 or 8 week program, 75 - 90 min per session

Great Food! would love to come to your school!
Contact us at: gfood@rogers.com for a detailed package of our programs.

School Testimonials
"...Mr. Lobo's warm and kind personality shines through in all his interactions with children. They will give him the same respect that he gives them...It is such a positive experience for the children, that not only do we hear great feedback from the children but overwhelmingly from the parents as well."
- Casa Montessori Directrice
“Dear Mr. Lobo,
Just a quick email to thank you for the wonderful cooking program you provided at AOL last year. My son really enjoyed it and eagerly looked forward to the lesson every Wednesday. The program has definitely provided variety into the typical elementary academic program and instills:
See you in September. ”
-School Parent

Great Food?
Healthy Choices & Nutrition
Learning the importance of eating balanced meals and easy selection from the major food groups. Students learn to eat by colour, scent, and taste. Fresh and whole ingredients are emphasized as well as spices and aromatics for a holistic approach to well-being. 
Food Prep Techniques, Styles, and Kitchen Safety.
Learning to chop, stir, mix and cook safely, while creating sumptuous plates from various cuisines. Techniques range from classic French to basic kitchen and traditional ethnic methods of preparing new and unusual foods.
Foodie Field Trips.
7 to 10 during the year. Most include an onsite
cooking lesson too. Some are Seasonal, others throughout the year, from farm visits to artisanal food producers, market visits, and city fine dining experiences. All are great fun, educational, interesting and.... delicious!
Special Events
Showcasing the students’ cooking skills and talents to parents and the public, our in-school special events range from fundraising evenings (for food charities) to concert days and parents nights - featuring exquisite food prepared by the students using the skills they have acquired during the year or semester.

Creative Food Education
Learning about the history of food through the ages, current global food issues and life skills - through story telling, music, drama, art and creative role-playing, ... and lots of cooking!
Always a hit with students of all ages!​