Great Food!
Educating young people to healthier, independent lives...
...by learning to cook Great Food!

Great Food! Offers fun and exciting Summer Camps for participants aged 5 to 16 years old, and special summer evening sessions for participants 17+ yrs, including University students on a budget.
Weekly day camps are held in a safe and healthy environment with plenty of green space and are organized by age. Special progressive curriculum for returning campers keen on developing previously learned skills and techniques.
Maximum 12 - 14 participants per weekly camp, so spaces fill fast.

All sessions include (per day):
2 hearty and healthy snacks, a delicious full lunch, min. of 3 in/outdoor breaks, and the preparation of 15 or more gourmet style dishes per week, based on age & skill.
Fresh & local ingredients with an emphasis on maximum creativity and style.
What Is A Great Food Camp?

For a brochure, registration form and rates contact us at: gfood@rogers.com.

Summer Camp 2019
Registration Is Now Open!



Camp 1
"Food From The Earth"
Age: 6 - 8 (possible 1/2 day for 4 and 5 yo)
Date: July 8th - 12th, 2019
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
(Before & After Care available see details below.)
Location: Newmarket
This wonderful week will capture the adventure of life on a farm and how to cook with food that we get from farms.
Participants will work with fresh farm produce and learn where their food comes from and how it is grown and by whom. They will learn to plant vegetables and fruit, seeds and herbs and use the product of their work in a series of delicious and practical recipes that they will cook throughout the week. Savoury and sweet. Guest farmers and food artisans may pay us a visit, and at the end of the week, we’ll celebrate with a day away at a real farm either on Centre Island, or in the local area where we will learn about agriculture and livestock, have an opportunity to interact with the animals, and harvest a few crops that we will donate to a local food bank.
All meals, beverages, snacks and program activities for 5 days is included. Field trip Transportation is extra.
Space is limited to 12 participants only. Hurry to book as this camp fills up fast!

Camp 4
"More Friends In Our Gardens"
Age: 6 - 9
Date: August 12th - 16th
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
(Before & After Care available see details below.)
Location: Newmarket
This week will be fun exploring foods that grow in our gardens and the creatures that live there that help us to grow our food. In addition to cooking lots of delicious things that grow in our garden, participants will learn about animals and insects that help us grow our food, and how to care for these creatures and for the earth. We'll also learn about food sources in the wild, including fruit, berries, mushrooms, shoots and fish. Campers will learn about cooking outdoors, baking with stones and hot rocks and fun food to make over a camp fire as well as an adventure in a tent.
All meals, beverages, snacks and program activities for 5 days is included. Field trip Transportation is extra.
Space is limited to 12 participants only. Hurry to book as this camp fills up fast!

Camp 2
"Young Chefs of Tomorrow"
Age: 10 - 17+
Date: July 15th - 19th
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
(Before & After Care available see details below.)
Location: Newmarket
This week is ideal for young teens and pre teens who love to work in the kitchen and are looking to develop and organize their skills. In addition to learning kitchen safety and knife and tools skills, participants will learn to work with a variety of new and familiar food items, creating delicious and healthy plates that look as good as they taste, and that are suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A variety of cooking styles will be included including BBQ and We will also feature a ‘healthy lunch box’ module to encourage new ideas for making your own interesting lunches. There’s also lots of fun baking, decorating and dessert making, and each day will feature recipes from different parts of the world including Italy, Mexico, France, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, Turkey, Lebanon and of course, Canada.
At the end of the week, campers will participate in a fun filled food challenge, and a wonderful field trip to remember.
All meals, beverages, snacks and program activities for 5 days are included. Field trip Transportation extra.
Space limited to 10 participants only. Hurry to book as this camp fills fast!

Camp 3
"Young Chefs of Tomorrow"
Age: 9 - 16+
Date: July 22nd - 26th
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
(Before & After Care available see details below.)
Location: Sharon / Newmarket
Camp Description: See Camp 2 above.

"For Higher Level Culinary Students!"
Age: 10 - 17+
Date: July 29th - August 2nd
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
(Before & After Care available see details below.)
Location: Newmarket
The wonderful Cuisine of Italy
'A Taste of Rome'
This week is ideal for young teens and pre teens who love to work in the kitchen and are looking to develop and organize their skills. In addition to learning kitchen safety and knife and tools skills, participants will learn to work with a variety of new and familiar food items, creating delicious and healthy plates that look as good as they taste, and that are suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This year, our focus is on the delicious food traditions of ITALY and in particular, featuring the Roman kitchen, A variety of Italian cooking styles will be included and recipes will be interesting, delicious and appropriate for our campers. We will also include our popular ‘healthy lunch box’ module to encourage new ideas for making your own interesting lunches. There’s also lots of fun baking, decorating and dessert making, and each day will feature recipes fthat incorporate Rome's fresh market culture.
At the end of the week, campers will participate in a fun filled food challenge, and a wonderful field trip to remember.
All meals, beverages, snacks and program activities for 5 days are included. Field trip Transportation extra.
Space limited to 10 participants only. Hurry to book as this camp fills fast!
White Apron

Camp 5
"An Adventure In France"
Age: 10 - 17+
Date 1: August 20th - 24th
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
(Before & After Care available see details below.)
Location: Newmarket
Age: 10 - 17+ (with one or both parents)
Date 1: August 20th - 29th
Location: Paris, France
This is a special week programmed out of interest from parents wanting to give their children an international culinary and educational experience.
This program requires a minimum of 6 participants to run. At least 1 parent must accompany their child/ren, though more family and members are welcome. Single adults are welcome too.
The program runs for 8 nights (9 days) and includes 5 culinary classes around Paris that are geared as suitable for adults and teens. Tours and some dinners are also included. The classes revolve around Market tours, a macaron or croissant making and baking class, history of wine and cheese in France, cooking and pressing Olive oil, Paris site seeing tours, very close proximity to major sites like the Musée d'Orsay and Nôtre Dame (10 minutes walk) and plenty of time for your own enjoyment. Hotel accommodations are in the beautiful 6th Arr. and we have secured amazing rates for single, double and triple accommodation.
Participants may book their own flights (using points or internet searches) and meet us in Paris, or avail of our rates and travel agent.
For prices, itinerary and more information, please write to us at gfood@rogers.com
If this program doe not run, we will instead feature a wonderful weeks camp in Newmarket featuring cooking and working with French Food and food products. This program will also be bi-lingual for participants who would like that option.
In Canada, all meals, beverages, snacks and program activities for 5 days are included. Field trip Transportation extra.
Space limited to 10 participants only. Hurry to book as this camp fills fast!
Before Care: 8:30 am - 9:00 pm ($10 per day)
After Care: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ($20 per day)
For Registration Information & Pricing Please Contact Us At: gfood@rogers.com.